The sun is in my eyes- I’m sitting shotgun in The Partyliner riding up I-65 N bound for Columbus, OH where we are kicking off our July Tour with a Free show tomorrow night (6pm- We’re playing live on WCBE at 2pm EST – you can tune in here:
I spent the holiday week hopping between family reunions in MN and TN – spent a short 36 hours at home during which I washed the Nebraska mud off our beloved van, mowed the lawn, took immense quantities of recycling to the recycling center, watered our bushy tomato plants, cooked food (including roasted beets with feta and basil from the garden), cleaned stuff (the tub!), bought a Wampler overdrive pedal for my electric rig and a new quarter inch cable, bought a new vintage top for the band photo shoot with the talented Todd Roeth ( on Thursday, started writing a new song with Joe, and watched “What About Bob?” for the second, and probably last, time in my life.
I really enjoy being at my home- I secretly didn’t have enough time there – but now, in the van with my best friends, I feel I am at home too. Brian’s driving and he’s got James Brown piping through the speakers. Drew and Josh are sleeping in the back; they drove from Virginia to our house this morning and now the fellas are tuckered. Joe’s playing Diablo 3 on the xbox. All feels right with the world.
I got an email confirmation that our Country EP has been delivered to Carlisle, PA – where we are playing on Saturday on the Dickinson College Campus at Bluegrass on the Grass ( I’m so excited to have it in my hands! Check out the cover art created by the ever-amazing Josh Gibson (
After that we’re going to spend a few days Down the Shore at my parents’ house before heading up to camp out at Grey Fox! I’ve been looking forward to this festival since we got done playing it last year and I can’t believe it’s already time to go back! Big thanks to Chuck Wentworth and Mary Daub and Mart Burdette for all the love and support.
Hope to see you all soon. Happy July!
Nora Jane