Tag radio

Dear Friends,


As one of the Troubadours, I had the opportunity to play live on Telluride’s Radio station KOTO on Friday afternoon.  I sang two songs, “Greenbrier County” and a new one I co-wrote with my dear friend Rachel Hester entitled, “That Horse’ll Kill You”.   Luckily my beau, PJ, was along to sing harmony with my for my radio station debut.

I wore my brand new blue and white early 50’s  dress that I bought at an antique store in West Virginia on our drive back to Nashville from The Purple Fiddle.  $15 for this sweet number—what a steal!  Too bad all the folks tuned in couldn’t see it.  But ladies, sometimes wearing a dress is not about being seen.


Thanks to Susanne at KOTO for being so kind and supportive.  I look forward to our next meeting.


Thanks for reading friends.


Nora Jane


P.S.  Check out the sun hat I purchased to protect me for the scorching Colorado sun—so practical and stylish too!  That picture was taken 15 feet from my campsite.  Later that day I washed my hair in that river.  It was so cold I almost fell down because my muscles gave up on me.

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