“Nora Jane Struthers and her group the Party Line give me what I always want from a band: kick-ass music that straddles the boundaries between typical genres, enthralling performances, and the best damn attitude. Bonus points given for being some of the nicest people around. These are folks here for the love of the game – all about creating and sharing, and when you’ve got that, you just know good music is apt to follow.
Over the journey of four albums and one EP, Nora Jane Struthers has honed in on an exuberant brand of rock and pop flavored with heavy doses of Americana, country, and bluegrass. We truly came to be full-fledged Struthers devotees after hearing her most recent (and crowd-funded) album Wake. The album appeals to our “the record is as good as the live show and vice-versa” philosophy. It’s road-tested, dynamic as all hell, and with equal parts grit and sheen. What more could you want outta life?”
-Fred Knittel
Listen to the live in studio tracks here.